David Kazaros

David Kazaros - ALTO Real Estate Fund Asset Manager

A resident of Windermere, Florida, David Kazaros has worked in investing since 2011. Today, David Kazaros is an asset manager with ALTO Real Estate Fund, based in Tel Aviv, Israel.

David Kazaros work in investing began as a senior analyst with LNR Partners. His subsequent roles involved being a commercial property manager with Hold Thyssen, Crossman & Company (2012), an associate in mortgage banking with Ellis Creek (2017), and a land acquisition manager with Century (2021).

As an asset manager with ALTO, David Kazaros successfully implemented strategies to expand a 2.5 million-square-foot industrial asset portfolio. His other duties include devising predictive maintenance strategies to reduce operational downtime, implementing data-driven efficiency models for positive outcomes, and creating financial performance tracking systems.

He has acquired more than 1,000 scattered lots and 500 plus-lot subdivisions throughout his career. He has also completed $295 million in transactions and over 200 CMBS loans for multiple properties. He has a bachelor’s degree in finance from the University of Central Florida.

Outside of work, he spends time with his family. His interests also include traveling, fishing, and strength training.


David Kazaros
Windermere, FL US